Work with an Inspire Support NDIS Support Coordinator to help you bring your NDIS Plan to life!
Inspire Support understands that everyone is different and we will work flexibly and openly with you to implement your NDIS Plan and achieve your goals ways that work for you.
Our Support Coordination team can assist you to explore and choose NDIS service providers that are the best option for you and help you link in with community and mainstream supports such as medical services, housing, education and community organisations.
Your Support Coordinator will help you to better understand the NDIS and build your ability to manage your supports, funding and the connections that are most important to you. We will assist you throughout the duration of your NDIS Plan and support you to prepare for your next NDIS plan when the time comes.
Accessing this service
To talk with someone about this service or discuss your specific needs please phone (03) 5334 2637, email or complete the online referral form.
Other Services
- Community Access
- Centre Based Group Activities
- Self Care
- Personal Domestic Activities
- Out and About with Inspire
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